The Wall Street Journal -- which everyone knows is the Vogue of business newspapers -- has made an important proclamation: the skirt suit is back, y`all. ... People Don`t Want to Eat at Red Lobster or Olive Garden Anymore& ...
men wearing skirts and dresses
My non-scientific survey is that most people respond quite favorably and admiringly to women wearing modest, lovely skirts and dresses. The other day I was in a coffee shop and a young lady came in, wearing a pretty dress.
I hadn`t given much thought to why men wear pants until I started looking into why women wear skirts. The only known clothing to predate the skirt is the loincloth, which means that for a long time, skirts were unisex, as Valerie& ...
The first thing that many people think when they see a woman dressed this way and wearing long hair is that they must be involved in some sort of religious cult that makes the women dress and look like Stepford wives.
The Wall Street Journal -- which everyone knows is the Vogue of business newspapers -- has made an important proclamation: the skirt suit is back, y`all. ... People Don`t Want to Eat at Red Lobster or Olive Garden Anymore& ...
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- Sep 23 Mon 2013 11:43
Men Wearing Skirts And Dresses
Men Wearing Skirts And Dresses